
  • MNTFA Competition Rules
  • Competitors must be fully paid up MNTFA members for at least two weeks prior to the date of the competition, with all fees paid.
  • All competitions will be fished to reservoir rules (i.e. rules applicable to the venue) unless otherwise stated in the information published on our web site.
  • Weigh in your first 4 fish only.
  • Catch & release competitions will be based on the total length in mm of the first four fish caught.
  • No fixed oars or rudder shall be used in any competition unless designated as a rudder competition. Steerage on the drift can be controlled by use of the drogue, attached on the broad side of the boat.
  • There shall be no fishing while under power.
  • The start and finish times for all competitions will be published in the competition schedule and detailed in the calendar on the MNTFA website. You are advised to synchronise your watch at the start.
  • Boats must not leave the jetty area before the start of the match.
  • In the event of a bank match finishing time will be measured at the lodge.
  • If one of a pair of competitors is unable to fish a substitute MNTFA member may take his place in the competition.
  • Guests (non-member) can fish with the competition, but will not be part of the competition.
  • If two anglers weigh in the same weight, the winner will be the angler with the highest number of fish. If the result is still tied the trophy will be shared for equal lengths of time.
  • Competitors must possess a current rod fishing license.
  • Any objections must be made as soon as practicable and in any case before the results are announced and presentations made.
  • Objections will be settled by committee members present. Their majority decision will be final.

International Competition Rules

  1. To save time at match briefings we are issuing the rules for the competition in advance.
  2. It is the responsibility of each Team Captain to ensure that all team members are fully conversant with these rules.
  3. It is intended that these rules should be compatible with the rules of all waters and have been developed over many years to try to ensure a fair and enjoyable competition for all involved. Competitors are expected to observe the spirit as well as the letter of the rules and are reminded of the unwritten rules and courtesies of the boat.
  4. One rod, not exceeding 12 feet in length (3.65m) is to be used. Competitors may carry a spare rods, but only one rod may be mounted at any time
  5. Matches shall be fished with artificial flies only. No fly shall be artificially weighted and gold heads or weighted beads are specifically banned. No more than four flies may be attached to a cast and these must be at least 20” (50.8cm) apart.
  6. Hooks may be single or double. With doubles, the angle between the bends shall not exceed 90 degrees. Maximum hook size will measure not more than 5/8”(1.58cm) and the dressed length of the fly shall not exceed 15/16” (2.38cm) overall. No dressing is allowed that will artificially add weight to the fly. Modern materials are acceptable, but appendages that alter the original concept of an artificial fly (re formed plastic or rubber) are banned. A maximum of four hook points are permitted on any leader i.e. 2 doubles, 1 double/2 singles, or 4 singles.
  7. Fly lines shall be either double taper or weight forward, in full line format. Shooting heads are specifically banned including manufactured shooting heads (except 40 plus). Lines shall not exceed AFTM10. No weight attachments may be made to the line, but braided leaders and polyleaders are permitted provided there is no metal or weight in their construction (floating only).
  8. Anchors and drift control devices are banned. A single drogue may be used at competitor’s discretion with a maximum of 25 square feet, with two anchor points – Single point drogues are NOT permitted.
  9. Flies will be cast in the conventional manner, with competitors sitting at all times, other than when netting fish. Flies will be worked in a traditional loch-style manner. Any form of trailing/trolling is banned.
  10. The Roly-Poly style of retrieval is allowed in this Championship.
  11. Thwart boards and boat seats are permitted, with or without backrests all at match organizer’s discretion. These will be a maximum of 5” above the gunnels.
  12. All electrical devices are banned, including fish finders. Mobile communication devices & Smart watches are allowed to be carried in ‘flight mode’ onto the water, to be used only in emergencies or by prior arrangement by the organisers.
  13. No boat may encroach within 50 meters of any other fishing boat. Fishery rules apply (usually 50 meters) with regards to the distance a boat may be from a bank angler and must be observed.
  14. No boat may land during a match other than in a medical emergency, or as specifically directed by the organiser.
  15. All strike indicators must be a catchable fly.
  16. Having caught your limit, please note and agree the exact time with your boat partner, who should then sign your card. All cards must be handed in when weighing in. If both anglers achieve a limit, then they should immediately return to the boat jetty via the shortest route. Under no circumstances are anglers allowed back on the water after they have achieved limits.
  17. The winners and placings will be decided by the total weight of eligible trout caught by each team. Bag limits and size limits will be announced at the pre-match briefing. If a time bonus is given, it will be at 4oz per 1⁄4 hour. Attendance at all briefings is compulsory for all competitors. Fish will be weighed only once, on the Championship scales.
  18. At fisheries where larger fish (4lb+) are regularly stocked we may impose a 4lb maximum limit to any fish caught.
  19. Limits – some heats will be fished to a 8 fish limit and some will be a lower limit plus catch & release, subject to local fishery rules.
  20. All competitors are required to hold a valid Environment Agency rod license in England and Wales.
  21. All team members are required to register with the organisers at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the match. Anglers who do not register on time may forfeit their place in the match, at the organiser’s discretion. Match timing will be announced at the briefing. Any angler who breaches the timings set shall be disqualified, even if this is due to engine failure.
  22. Boat pairings are decided by random draw. Anglers change places every two hours, or as by mutual agreement and the angler at the Stern shall have control of the boat.
  23. At the end of the match captains shall assemble their teams for the weigh in. Any problems, disputes or questions shall be raised with the organiser prior to weigh in. Any dispute over weights announced must be made immediately. No fish shall be weighed other than at the official weigh in.
  24. Boat fishing can be dangerous and Airflo the Organisers and their representatives take no responsibility for matters of safety. The wearing of life jackets is strongly recommended at all waters and is compulsory on some. Anglers must cease fishing during a thunderstorm. If conditions are deemed too dangerous at any time before or during the match, the Organisers will arrange a recall of competitors.
  25. The organisers will carry out checks during the competition to ensure that competitors comply with the rules.
  26. Teams may only enter once and individuals may only fish for one team. (However, in exceptional circumstances, and with the prior permission of the organisers, a team member can have fished for another team. In this instance his total weight of catch will count as no more than that of the team 5th weight on the day).
  27. The decision of the organiser is final and binding in all matters.