2024 Time Log

John Clarke here – explaining how to work the website – Toom much work for him.2.30
12 Organizing site for 20242.00
correcting the color scheme 0:30
adjusting the menu0:40
13 organizing header0:30
14 Winter League results spreadsheet and website & Facebook post2:00
17 Update Plugins and review Security Statements0:15
26 Update Calendar with Events – still need to add event name0:20
Phone call with Grant about Monday Meeting0:25
27 Updated 3 Plugins0:05
29 Committee Meeting – prep for AGM1:30
30 Phone talk with Grant Gibson about Last nights meting. 00:26
Talk with Cliff Hoare on helping us (committee) out – Newsletter, general ideas 00:19
31Trying to sort out imbedding a You Tube video channel – FAIL – ahhhhhh!1:45
4Locating 2023 Entry editable forms for Dave A.00:35
7Updates to Open Afternoons00:30
8Build 2024 Competition Form for Dave1:20
Loading PDF and PNG version of Comp Form to site00:20
Updating Open Afternoon Pages for Seumas 00:30